[SCIP] Mulitply SCIP_Real by -1

Natalia Perina nperina at princeton.edu
Fri Apr 21 05:49:30 CEST 2017

Hi there,

I am trying to multiply the result that I get from

double x = SCIPgetDualsolLinear(scip, z_con(r)) or

SCIP_Real x = SCIPgetDualsolLinear(scip, z_con(r))

by -1 and add it it to an objective function. I understand that the best
way to do this would be to set a fixed variable to one and set the value as
the coefficient. But when everytime i mulitply by -1, I get an absurdly
large number that is not the actual value. I am very confused as to why
this is happening, seems that it should be simple.



Natalia Perina
Princeton University l 2017
nperina at princeton.edu
202 360 9536
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