[SCIP] Assertion failed: (!(*cons)->active || (*cons)->updatedeactivate),

Natalia Perina nperina at princeton.edu
Sun Apr 30 06:02:02 CEST 2017

I cannot release any of my constraints or variables after solving and
keeping getting the following error:

Assertion failed: (!(*cons)->active || (*cons)->updatedeactivate), function
SCIPconsRelease, file src/scip/cons.c, line 6128.

debug: Abort trap: 6

I am creating the constraint l like this:

 char con_name[255];

   vector<SCIP_CONS*> zrt_con(num_R, (SCIP_CONS*)NULL);

   for (int r = 0; r < num_R; r++)


      SCIP_CONS* con = NULL;

      (void) SCIPsnprintf(con_name, 255, "Zrt_r%d", r);

      //cout << "creating zrt linear constraint ..." << endl;

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsLinear(scip, &con, con_name, 0, 0, 0,

                                 1.0,                    /* lhs */

                                 1.0,                    /* rhs */

                                 true,                   /* initial */

                                 false,                  /* separate */

                                 true,                   /* enforce */

                                 true,                   /* check */

                                 true,                   /* propagate */

                                 false,                  /* local */

                                 true,                   /* modifiable */

                                 false,                  /* dynamic */

                                 false,                  /* removable */

                                 false) );               /* stickingatnode

      //cout << "adding zrt linear constraint ..." << endl;

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCons(scip, con) );

      //cout << "saving zrt linear constraint ..." << endl;

      zrt_con[r] = con;  /*lint !e732 !e747*/

      for (int t = 0; t < NC[r]; t++ )


        //cout << "adding variable to zrt constraint ..." << endl;

        SCIP_CALL ( SCIPaddCoefLinear (scip, zrt_con[r], z_var[r][t], 1.0)



Includign a pricer and then solving, printing the best solution, and then
releasing the constraint like this:

for (int r = 0; r < num_R; r++) {

    SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &zrt_con[r]) );


 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "released zrt constraints \n");

But i keep getting the abort error above. Does anybody know why this would



Natalia Perina
Princeton University l 2017
nperina at princeton.edu
202 360 9536
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