[SCIP] ScaLP, a Scalable Linear Programming Library

Martin Kumm kumm at uni-kassel.de
Thu Sep 28 11:25:02 CEST 2017

Hi SCIPlers,

as all of you are (MI)LP users/developers, our ScaLP C++ library could be of interest for you:


It is basically a "wrapper" library that provides a unique interface (like google's or-tools library but much more lightweight) but uses the whole power of C++'s operator overloading, meaning that constraints can be written as they are (e.g. x+y<=10).
Currently, the ILP solvers SCIP (of course), ​Gurobi, ​CPLEX and ​LPSOLVE are supported. As all backends are encapsulated in own dynamic libraries, it is determined during runtime, which solver actually available. A "wish list" of solvers can be provided to select the most suitable solver for the given problem. This also allows different license models for the software that uses ScaLP (which is itself LGPLv3) from LGPL (LPSOLVE), ZIP (SCIP) to commercial.
It was developed in the digital technology group at the University of Kassel, Germany. It is still under development but is also well tested in several of our projects. 

If you have comments, find it useful, see important missing features, want to contribute, etc., please let me know (or start a discussion at https://digidev.digi.e-technik.uni-kassel.de/scalp/discussion)!



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