[SCIP] Integrating functions from other source codes

Gregor Hendel hendel at zib.de
Wed Apr 18 11:44:47 CEST 2018

Hello Andre,

please explain us your setup in more detail, so that we can help. First 
of all, how exactly do you integrate the code? Have you maybe forgotten 
to include the new primal heuristic plugin into SCIP? Or did you disable 
it by setting its frequency to -1?

Or is your program simply crashing at some point during
a) compilation
b) linking
c) runtime

If yes, what is the error message that you get?


Am 18.04.2018 um 11:19 schrieb André Filipe Lanca Serrano:
> Thanks for your reply Gregor.
> Oh sorry about that, it was my first time emailing to SCIP mailing list.
> I already extended to a primal heuristic plugin and included it in my 
> SCIP but I am not being able to call the meta-heuristic functions from 
> the code package. I've check the possible linking errors within the 
> programs that I'm using and it seems to be all fine.
> Quoting Gregor Hendel <hendel at zib.de>:
>> Dear Andre,
>> I answered your question on Stack Overflow 
>> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49861591/integrating-functions-from-other-source-codes-in-scip/49882724#49882724>. 
>> If you have follow-up questions, please post them /either/ to this 
>> mailing list (~300 watchers) /or/ to Stack Overflow, but not both. 
>> All people involved in the project are notified about Stack Overflow 
>> questions, anyway.
>> Good luck with your implementation,
>> Gregor
>> Am 16.04.2018 um 17:55 schrieb André Filipe Lanca Serrano:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I'm a master student in TUHH and I'm currently using SCIP for my 
>>> thesis. The main implementation task of my thesis is to integrate a 
>>> meta-heuristic already coded in C++ and ready to be used in the SCIP 
>>> branch-and-bound process to enhance the solution process of my 
>>> problem. My question is:
>>> How can I call the functions from the meta-heuristic files?
>>> I'm not sure if this information can be useful but I'm using Matlab 
>>> to load my data and then to compile and run SCIP in Visual Studio 
>>> using MEX functions. I have already set all the necessary headers in 
>>> SCIP and Matlab.
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Best regards,
>>> André
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