[SCIP] Using SCIP + ZIMPL command line, how to get the values of dual variables?

Cristiano Arbex crisarbex at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 18:36:23 CEST 2018

Dear SCIP team,

How can I get the values of the dual variables when running SCIP  via
command line?

For instance, I am on Linux Ubuntu and I run, with the command  *scip <
script.txt*, a script.txt file containing:

*read model.zploptwrite statistics model_stats.txtwrite solution

where model.zpl is just a toy problem:

*var x1 >= 0;var x2 >= 0;var x3 >= 0;var x4 >= 0;maximize f: 1*x1 +
1*x2;subto c1:    2*x1 + 1*x2 + 1*x3        == 2;subto c2:    1*x1 +
2*x2        + 1*x4 == 2;*

Is there a simple way to get the values of the dual variables of this
simple example? The statistics and solution files don't seem to have it.

Thanks a lot,
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