[SCIP] Installing SCIP on Windows with ZIMPL, SoPlex, Ipopt

Matthias Miltenberger miltenberger at zib.de
Thu Nov 8 16:17:09 CET 2018

Dear Simon,

if you really don't want to leave the comfort of your Windows 10 
environment, I can recommend WSL:
This allows to just call for example `sudo apt-get install zlib`. I 
prefer this over MSYS/Cygwin/MinGW, although your mileage may vary.
In general though, Linux will provide the best experience concerning 
installation with all the third party dependencies.
Please understand that we cannot give you in-depth instructions on how 
to setup your system.

The information on the slides you found is quite outdated, 
unfortunately. We will try to provide a better Windows package in the 
future that also contains ZIMPL. Sorry about that.


On 08-Nov-18 13:30, Simon QV wrote:
> Dear ZIB team,
> I'd like to use the SCIP optimisation suite to solve MINLIP problems 
> (and probably some LPs), and would like it to be linked to the 
> defaults SoPlex and ZIMPL.
> I'm using a win64 machine with Windows 10. I'm struggling to fully 
> understand how to best do the installation.
> The binary that's available for download doesn't have ZIMPL integrated 
> it seems.
> After a while I found Matthias' slide set 
> https://scip.zib.de/workshop2014/scip_install.pdf and thought maybe 
> the next easiest option would be to install it under cygwin (following 
> the slide set).
> I understand I can select packages in the cygwin setup - is that where 
> I'm supposed to get zlib, gmp, readline, and pcre?
> I also need Ipopt, which I downloaded as a tar-ball from the coin-or 
> website, and then tried to install under cygwin. However, for the 
> installtion to work I first need things like BLAS, ASL..
> I'm not a computer scientist and I found this to be very confusing and 
> time consuming to read in various forums and collect bits and pieces 
> of information on how to put the software together. Given that I'm 
> still far from installing the optimisation suite, and don't know how 
> many dependencies I'm yet to encounter, I thought I'd pause and ask 
> for your advice.
> 1. Am I following the straightforward path to obtain the software 
> configuration I want?
> 2. Is there a more detailed description of how to install the defaults 
> on my operating system? Apologies if I missed it.
> 3. Could you please help me understand which packages/libraries I need 
> for what, and how to install them? Do I select them in cygwin, or 
> download source code (to which directory?), and run it from cygwin 
> with "make install"?
> Thank you so much for your help!
> All the best,
> Simon
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Matthias Miltenberger
Zuse Institute Berlin
Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin
miltenberger at zib.de
+49 (30) 841 85 245

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