[SCIP] Lazy bound cannot be active

liding xu lidingx.zz at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 09:09:14 CEST 2019

Dear scip team,
  I have a set of binary variables x_i such that they are in constraint
\sum_{i} x_i = 1. So I set lazy bound on x_i to 1.0. However, when a x_i
becomes 1, the scip report error " updateLazyBounds: Assertion
`lp->divinglazyapplied || SCIPsetIsLT(set, col->ub, col->lazyub) ||
(col->flushedub == SCIPlpiInfinity(lp->lpi))' failed" in  file
  I test that because SCIPsetIsLT(set, col->ub, col->lazyub) fails which is
in my test case '1.0 < 1.0'. Why the lazy bound cannot equal to the upper
bound of binary variable?

Best regards,
Liding XU
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