[SCIP] Checkpoint and load of open nodes

庞琳卓 panglinzhuo at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 11:04:12 CEST 2019

Hi, I'm using SCIP to solve a sequence of problems,  sometimes the process
may be killed due to some reasons, all the information is lost. So i want
to save as much information as possible during the solving process so that
I can utilize the information in the process of solving a new problem(only
objective function changes) when the process is killed.
 I have tried to save all the feasible solutions so that i can add them to
the solution storage before solving a new problem, however, since the
problem is hard, i also want to save open nodes(or the important nodes) and
nodes with greater bounds than the global upper bounds, and solve from
these nodes in the next process.
I know that I can have access to open nodes through SCIPgetsiblings() &
SCIPgetLeaves()& SCIPgetchildren(), I wonder that if i have saved the open
nodes, and launch a new process, how can i solve from the nodes?
Thank you very much!
Best wishes,

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