[SCIP] Processed / open / pruned nodes

Lara Scavuzzo Montana L.V.ScavuzzoMontana at student.tudelft.nl
Thu Jul 25 13:21:08 CEST 2019

Dear SCIP community,

I am solving MILPs using SCIP’s Python interface with all default parameters and a custom branching rule. I am a bit confused by the terminology of the documentation, so I would be very thankful for the following clarifications.

During the solving process, I would like to keep track of some solving statistics. In particular, at each step know:

- The number of processed nodes: this can be accessed with (correct me if I am wrong) SCIPgetNNodes().

- The number of open nodes: is SCIPnodepqlen() the right function to call?

- The number of pruned nodes (by bound, infeasibility or integrality): I was unfortunately unable to find a way to obtain this value. Would it be (# of leaves) - (# of open nodes) ?

I was also surprised to see that

SCIPgetNLeaves() != SCIPgetNFeasibleLeaves() + SCIPgetNInfeasibleLeaves()

Maybe I am misinterpreting the meaning of these.

Just to clarify, I would of course be modifying the Python interface to include all necessary functions.

Thank you in advance for any help with this issue.


Lara Scavuzzo
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