[SCIP] SCIP multithreading solver DFiberSCIP to solve IP

Marc Pfetsch pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Wed Apr 29 11:24:38 CEST 2020

Hi David,

let me add to Ambros' answer:

If you run a problem in the command line and the problem turns out to be
infeasible, you can do "change minuc". This will set up a problem that
tries to minimize the number of unsatisfied constraints (i.e., it
essentially does what Ambros explained below, but uses indicator

>From the output you can sometimes guess what the problem is (if the
problem can be solved).



On 29/04/2020 10:21, Ambros Gleixner wrote:
> Hi David,
> I am happy you are so excited about the SCIP Optimization Suite. Because
> there are many people subscribed to this mailing list, can you please in
> the future make sure to collect all relevant information first and
> report them in one e-mail at a time.  Otherwise, we are not even sure,
> which question is still relevant.
> Now, e.g., has the infeasibility problem already been resolved?  SCIP
> currently has no powerful method to analyze infeasibilities.  However,
> you could build your own slack model by either adding
> - a continuous slack variable to each of your suspicious constraints, or
> - convert them into a big-M constraint with an auxiliary binary
> activation variable,
> and then minimize the sum of slacks or binaries.  The solution to such
> an auxiliary MIP may give you good hints on modeling errors.
> FiberSCIP can currently not be used through the Java interface, but you
> could use the SCIPwriteOrigProblem method to write a MPS file of your
> Java model, and then solve it on the command line with FiberSCIP, see
> the ug/README file in the SCIP Optimization Suite release.
> Best,
> Ambros
> Am 29.04.20 um 08:36 schrieb usa usa:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to solve an Integer programming model by running
>> java scip from IntelliJ Idea (community 2019.2) on macbook pro.
>> My java is 11.
>> My scipoptsuite: 6.0.2.
>> My jscip cheked out from https://github.com/SCIP-Interfaces/JSCIPOpt
>> My integer programming model took long time to be solved by SCIP solver.
>> Based on this
>> https://scip.zib.de/workshop2014/parascip_libraries.pdf
>> I would like to find how to use FiberSCIP to improve the performance.
>> Could anyone help me with this or point out some docs that may be
>> helpful?
>> thanks
>> David
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