[SCIP] Custom branching -- catching an assert

Schrotenboer, Albert a.h.schrotenboer at rug.nl
Thu Jan 9 10:45:04 CET 2020

Dear SCIP Community,

I am solving a basic VRP with branch & price, and have a question regarding
a branching rule I've implemented (Actually, I forgot how to do it...) I
branch on x_{ij} arcs, which I identify with my branchrule object. To
handle this information down the b&b tree, I use a constraint handler with
the following virtual methods implemented:

      To transform the info, nothing special
      Here I search which of my generated routes should be fixed to zero
corresponding to my branching information. (I also do the appropriate
adaptations in my pricing based on the branching). I fix my variables by
the following routines:

if (SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var) > 0.01)
      SCIP_CALL(SCIPchgVarUb(scip, (*d_varConsInfo).v_path[r].d_var, 0.0)

This all works nicely (when I do not run in debug mode). When I run in
Debug mode, however, an assert is collapsing when SCIP alters the path of
the tree (when it backtracks a few nodes), saying that:
JRP: src/scip/tree.c:1803: SCIPnodeAddBoundinfer: Assertion
(SCIP_NODETYPE)node->nodetype == SCIP_NODETYPE_REFOCUSNODE || node->depth
== 0' failed.

My question is, therefore, the following: Is changing the UB to enforce
variables to 0 the correct way to go? In addition, am I required to
implement the deactive virtual method as well, to change the upper bounds
back to what they were?

Kind regards,


Albert Schrotenboer

Postdoctoral Researcher

Faculty of Economics and Business

University of Groningen

P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen
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