[SCIP] Presolving time-limits

Marc Pfetsch pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Fri Jul 3 17:26:14 CEST 2020

Dear Jan!

> is it possible to set a time limit on presolving?

There is not separate time limit for presolving.

However, you can try the following: in the command line, you can try to
set a time limit, presolve and then extend the time limit again.  When
you continue the optimization, SCIP will finish presolving, however.
This can be avoided by "set presolving maxrounds 0". If then continue,
SCIP will finish presolving, but not perform time consuming steps.

> On a related note, solutions in the storage are processed after
> presolving. Is it possible to do this before so that SCIP accepts the
> feasible solutions and sets the upper bound accordingly?

I thought that stored solutions would also be processed before
presolving. However, additional heuristics may only run after presolving.



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