[SCIP] Runing frequency of primal heuristics

Antonia Chmiela chmiela at zib.de
Fri Jun 5 11:14:41 CEST 2020

Hi Yunzhuang,

Thank you for your question.

SCIP only allows one diving heuristic to be called at a node. This is set in line 287 of file „heuristics.c“ in function „SCIPperformGenericDivingAlgorithm“. To allow all diving heuristics to run at a node, you have to comment out this part of the code.

Furthermore, there exist two parameters „freq“ and „freqofs“ determining how often a heuristic is called. The parameter „freq“ sets the frequency for calling primal heuristics and „freqofs“ the frequency offset. These parameters can be changed by adding „heuristics/name_of_heuristic/freq = x“ and „heuristics/name_of_heuristic/freq = y“, respectively, to your settings file.

I hope this answers your question.


> Betreff: 	[SCIP] Runing frequency of primal heuristics
> Datum: 	Thu, 4 Jun 2020 10:28:52 +0000
> Von: 	Yunzhuang Shen <s3640365 at student.rmit.edu.au <mailto:s3640365 at student.rmit.edu.au>>
> An: 	scip at zib.de <mailto:scip at zib.de> <scip at zib.de <mailto:scip at zib.de>>
> Hi SCIP Team,
> I am evaluating primal heuristics on Setcover problem. I cannot find why diving heuristics run infrequently on this problem. Can you please indicate possible reasons?
> Regards,
> yunzhuang
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