[SCIP] visualizing Branch and bound tree using SCIP & HyDraw

Marc Pfetsch pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Thu May 7 19:16:22 CEST 2020

Dear Abbas,

the SCIP parameter you mentioned will write the corresponding output to
the file "somefilename.vbc" in your case. I guess you can then use this
file for HyDraw - you do not need vbctool for this.

[The file could also be read by vbctool. For running vbctool, you can
try to compile the source code, but I do not think that it will easily
work for windows.]



On 07/05/2020 12:47, Abbas Omidi wrote:
> Dear support team,
> I'm trying to solve an optimization problem using SCIP's interactive
> shell on win10. After the problem is solved, I would like to visualize
> the B&B tree using HyDraw tool as mentioned in this link
> <https://scip.zib.de/doc/html/FAQ.php#visualizebranchandbound>. I tried
> to use HyDraw tool separately by using its sample files and it works
> fine but, what I don't know is that how can I use VBCTOOL to create
> (.vbc) file. The link has been mentioned in the SCIP host
> <http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/ls_juenger/vbctool> does not work
> and I found another link
> <https://cs.uni-koeln.de/ls-juenger/software/vbctool> related to this
> but, it does not provide windows executable file. Also, I know that the
> SCIP has a parameter to visualize the problem as (set visual vbcfilename
> somefilename.vbc).  
> I was wondering if, 
> How can I create a (.vbc) file using SCIP and feeding that into the HyDraw?
> Is it possible creating (.vbc) file directly by SCIP without using the
> Regards
> Abbas
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