[SCIP] Different solving time and solution for the same problem in Soplex

Leon Eifler eifler at zib.de
Mon Nov 8 09:45:03 CET 2021

Hi there,

first off I would like to point out that there is a specific mailing 
list for soplex questions: soplex at zib.de.

Could you send the lp file that you are tring to solve, so that I might 
try to reproduce the issue and see what the problem is?

> mysoplex.writeFileReal("testingreal.lp", NULL, NULL, NULL); gives 
> exactly the same representation as problem.lp above in Problem 1, 
> aside from the constraints looking like
> C0 : -1.0000000000000000e+00 x0 >= 0.0000000000000000e+00
> instead of
> - x0 >= 1
> However, when I try to solve this problem using
> stat = mysoplex.optimize();
> , and print the solution, I obtain a different solution from Problem 
> 1, which is strange. This also takes around 20s.
but that is not the same constraint. So it makes sense that the 
solutions should be different. Or am I missing somethint?


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