[SCIP] concurrent solving mode in pyscipopt

Alice Calamita alice.calamita at uniroma1.it
Sun Sep 4 21:33:42 CEST 2022


I wanted to use the concurrent solving mode in SCIP (the latest version) to
solve a MIQP problem. I'm using the pyscipopt library on python.

I tried with *model.concurrentopt() *instead of *model.optimize() *to
optimize, but it didn't work, the error message was:
AttributeError: 'pyscipopt.scip.Model' object has no attribute

I read that I need to set up something before being able to use it.
This is my first time with SCIP and I'm not a computer scientist.
Could you please explain in detail what I need to set up and how I can do

Thank you very much.
Kind regards,

*Alice Calamita*

*PhD student in Operations Research*

Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering (DIAG)

Via Ariosto 25, 00185 Roma - Room A114

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