[SCIP] FiberSCIP continue running after finding a solution that fits best solution

Santiago Garcia sgarcia at grupocimd.com
Wed Apr 10 12:54:06 CEST 2024


I'm using UG framework and FiberSCIP executed from command line to solve a maximization problem. I'm trying to finetune the settings to optimize the time to get a result, and I'm facing a strange situation where the process is still running after finding a solution that fits exactly with the objective value (best solution).

Please find attached the files with the problem and parameters introduced, and the output.

If I establish a timelimit that happens before finding a solution that fits the objective, the command returns correctly with the best fit found till the moment, but if I establish a bigger timelimit, and the solution found fits the best possible one, then the process stops with the time limit but it returns an error code.

I'd really appreciate your support on this issue.

Santiago García
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