[SCIP] Inquiry Regarding Iterated Solving and Python Integration in SCIP

颜必行 bixing.yan at huamod.com
Tue Feb 27 04:33:52 CET 2024

Dear SCIP Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am a programmer, and I am reaching out to you with a few questions regarding SCIP, particularly related to iterated solving and Python integration.
1. Iterated Solving Documentation: I noticed on the SCIP website (https://scipopt.org/index.php#about) that SCIP is capable of iterated solving. However, after a thorough search through the documentation, I couldn't find specific content or examples related to iterated solving. Could you please guide me to the relevant documentation or provide more information on how to use iterated solving in SCIP?

2. Iterated Solving in Python: Additionally, I am interested in incorporating iterated solving into my optimization models using Python. Could you provide guidance or examples on how to implement iterated solving using the Python interface of SCIP?

3. Retrieving Target Function Values: Lastly, I would like to know how I can retrieve the values of the target function after each iteration during the iterated solving process. Are there specific functions or methods in the Python interface that allow me to access this information?

I appreciate your time and assistance in addressing these inquiries. SCIP has been a valuable tool for my optimization projects, and I look forward to enhancing my workflow with the features mentioned above.

Thank you in advance for your support, and I eagerly await your response.

Best regards,


                                                                    颜必行                                                    软件工程师
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