[SCIP] performance for scheduling problems

Marc Pfetsch pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Thu Jun 13 21:15:20 CEST 2024

May I add to Sascha's answer that of course contributions and 
improvements to SCIP are also very welcome! This is important to improve 
SCIP in the future.



On 13/06/2024 20:38, s schnug wrote:
> "I know many scheduling heuristics, but I doubt that Gurobi is using 
> scheduling-specific heuristics behind the scenes."
> I wouldn't be to sure about that. It's quite possible they do, if they 
> somehow can reconstruct the scheduling-structure from the MILP. As there 
> are papers about reconstructing multi-commodity flow problems and such 
> from a MILP, i guess it might be possible too with scheduling problems.
> Howewer, two recommendations from me:
> Recommendation A:
> SCIP actually has some scheduling-specific code living in 
> scip/applications/Scheduler/...
> I think the canonical resource on this is: Heinz, Stefan, and J. 
> Christopher Beck. "Solving resource allocation/scheduling problems with 
> constraint integer programming." (2011).
> As it's kinda hidden (the SCIP docs make you think it's just one more 
> constraint-handler; a first-class citizen like the others; but the path 
> forces you to take care about how to include it) i would be surprised to 
> see it being accessible through some Python-Interface.
> I ran some problems with it (using C++) and it seems to work (no dead / 
> deprecated code), although i did not analyze it in detail.
> Without checking above resource again, it should contain 
> presolving-rules, primal-heuristics (e.g. list-scheduling; one of those 
> you indicated), constraint-propagation (as in constraint-programming for 
> scheduling-problems), conflict-analysis and cutting-plan additions tuned 
> to the cumulative constraint (which generalizes the disjunctive constraint).
> Recommendation B:
> If you can live with swapping out SCIP for another FOSS project: use 
> (googles) ortools' cp-sat solver! At least try it!
> It's a SAT/CP/MILP-Hybrid and brings all the things you want:
> - global scheduling constraints: API (easier modelling) as well as 
> CP-style propagation (e.g. energetic reasoning); also providing 
> structure to local-search / large-neighborhood search components
> - very strong conflict-analysis aka "learning" due to having a 
> L(azy)-C(lause)-G(eneration) core which fully connects SAT-style 
> conflict-analysis and the CP-style propagation of global constraints
> - multicore out of the box: currently tuned towards >= 16 cores i guess; 
> heavily based on synced/communicating portfolios including 
> scheduling-specific local-search and large-neighborhood search but also 
> "LP-relaxation following" procedures and many other things
> In some sense, CP-SAT feels MILP-like although there are no continuous 
> variables! Discrete domains only!
> While SCIP has much better documentation than ortools, ortools has way 
> more example spanning multiple languages and if you want to give it a 
> try, there is a lot to help!
> -----
> Greetings,
> Sascha
> Am Do., 13. Juni 2024 um 19:07 Uhr schrieb Brannon King 
> <countprimes at gmail.com <mailto:countprimes at gmail.com>>:
>     I know it's improper to compare SCIP to commercial solvers. However,
>     some days I really wish that SCIP was faster for my experimentation
>     purposes. For scheduling problems in particular, are there SCIP
>     parameters that you tweak to get more performance? Are there known
>     cuts/heuristics that aren't coded in SCIP that address these types of
>     problems? I know many scheduling heuristics, but I doubt that Gurobi
>     is using scheduling-specific heuristics behind the scenes.
>     I offer this code below as proof of my performance conundrum. CPLEX
>     tends to be 2-3x worse than Gurobi on these 10x10s, although it's
>     constraint solver is faster than Gurobi. SCIP is on average 100x worse
>     than Gurobi.
>     import job_shop_lib as jsl  # get this from pypi
>     import job_shop_lib.generators as jslg
>     import gurobipy as grb
>     import pyscipopt as scp
>     def as_gurobi_balas_model(instance: jsl.JobShopInstance):
>          model = grb.Model(instance.name <http://instance.name>)
>          O = M = instance.num_machines
>          s = model.addMVar((instance.num_jobs, O), vtype='C')  # start time
>     for each op o on job j
>          cmax = model.addVar(name='c_max')
>          model.setObjective(cmax, grb.GRB.MINIMIZE)
>          bigM = 1
>          lookup = {m: [] for m in range(M)}
>          for job in instance.jobs <http://instance.jobs>:
>              for op in job:  # operation, (machine, delay)
>                  o = op.position_in_job
>                  j = op.job_id
>                  model.addConstr((s[j, o + 1] if o + 1 < O else cmax) -
>     s[j, o] >= op.duration)  # op precedence
>                  lookup[op.machine_id].append((j, o, op.duration))
>                  bigM += op.duration
>          for m in range(M):
>              for l1, (j1, o1, d1) in enumerate(lookup[m]):
>                  for l2, (j2, o2, d2) in enumerate(lookup[m][l1 + 1:],
>     l1 + 1):
>                      x = model.addVar(vtype='B')  # no overlap, indicator
>     constraints are slower
>                      model.addConstr(s[j2, o2] >= d1 + s[j1, o1] - bigM
>     * (1 - x))
>                      model.addConstr(s[j1, o1] >= d2 + s[j2, o2] - bigM * x)
>          return model
>     def as_scip_balas_model(instance: jsl.JobShopInstance):
>          model = scp.Model(instance.name <http://instance.name>)
>          O = M = instance.num_machines
>          s = {(j, o): model.addVar(vtype='C') for j in
>     range(instance.num_jobs) for o in range(O)}
>          cmax = model.addVar(name='c_max')
>          model.setObjective(cmax)
>          bigM = 1
>          lookup = {m: [] for m in range(M)}
>          for job in instance.jobs <http://instance.jobs>:
>              for op in job:  # operation, (machine, delay)
>                  o = op.position_in_job
>                  j = op.job_id
>                  model.addCons((s[j, o + 1] if o + 1 < O else cmax) - s[j,
>     o] >= op.duration)  # op precedence
>                  lookup[op.machine_id].append((j, o, op.duration))
>                  bigM += op.duration
>          for m in range(M):
>              for l1, (j1, o1, d1) in enumerate(lookup[m]):
>                  for l2, (j2, o2, d2) in enumerate(lookup[m][l1 + 1:],
>     l1 + 1):
>                      x = model.addVar(vtype='B')  # no overlap, indicator
>     constraints are slower
>                      model.addCons(s[j2, o2] >= d1 + s[j1, o1] - bigM *
>     (1 - x))
>                      model.addCons(s[j1, o1] >= d2 + s[j2, o2] - bigM * x)
>          return model
>     bgen = jslg.BasicGenerator(duration_range=(20, 200), seed=42,
>     num_jobs=10, num_machines=10)
>     instance1 = bgen.generate()
>     model_gur = as_gurobi_balas_model(instance1)
>     model_scp = as_scip_balas_model(instance1)
>     model_gur.optimize()
>     model_scp.optimize()
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