[SCIP] About some errors and warnings

Bayramoglu, Selin sbayramoglu3 at gatech.edu
Tue Mar 5 05:18:02 CET 2024

Hello everyone,

I am solving the attached MINLP with SCIP 8.0.0 with the branching rule vanillafullstrong (VFS) and other options as default. I get the following error:

(node 3565) error in strong branching call for variable <t_b44> with solution 0.611183

in the SCIP log, also attached. Because I am collecting strong branching scores, I cannot use the scores (-infinity) provided in this node.

When I run other similar problems in debug mode, I get the following additional errors and warnings:

  *   Warning: LP solution value is above SCIP's infinity value (when relpscost rule is used)
  *   LU pivot element is almost zero (< 1e-10) - Basis is numerically singular (when VFS is used)
  *   Assertion fail at conflict.c:8252 (when VFS is used). SCIP aborts with this error.

I was wondering if some of these warnings/errors can be fixed by changing parameter values or if they point to some other problem. Because the last three items occurred under different parameter settings, I did not include the instance files for them, but can provide them if needed.

Many thanks for your help in advance!


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