[SCIP] Methods to calculate IIS in SCIP

Mark Turner turner at zib.de
Mon Nov 4 11:36:59 CET 2024

Hi Leslie,

This is an insanely rewarding email to hear!

I am currently working on implementing an IIS plugin for SCIP, so the 
answer to your question is that there will soon be such functionality! I 
will be cautiously optimistic and suggest that the feature exists by the 
end of this month (let's hope this doesn't age poorly). A note of 
warning though: It will sadly not be as performant as the algorithms 
implemented in some of the closed-source solvers. A substantial amount 
of work needs to be done for that to happen.
The reality for right now: There is no such functionality, and the 
answer to the question from 2015 is still up to date. That is, one would 
either need to write their own algorithm or use the existing MinUC 
functionality and work around that output.

Hopefully this functionality exists soon, and thanks for the email 
justifying the need for this!

Cheers and happy optimising,


On 11/4/24 10:43, xu liwei wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if there are any methods for calculating the 
> IIS(Irreducible Infeasible Subset) in SCIP Optimization Suite?
> I have looked through the API pages, and i find Conlict Analysis in 
> Methods for managing plugins of Core API. But it seems confusing. I 
> also checked the mail list history, there was a similar question of 
> IIS in 2015, and the answer was None.
> I'm using SCIP solver in my C++ programming. SCIP is very powerful, 
> but i don't find the tools to get IIS to debug my model. Thank you!
> Leslie
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