[SCIP] About variances in solving time
s schnug
sascha.schnug at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 00:03:52 CET 2024
i think this a very complex multi-dimensional question.
Some of those questions and my personal opinions (i'm no SCIP-dev):
1: What influences solving-time with "deterministic tasks" (here meaning:
same decisions/path -> but potentially earlier/later finishing)
- 1a: Thread starvation (e.g. overcommitment of cpu-cores)
- 1b: memory-limit (leading to memory-trashing)
- 1c: memory-bandwith limit
- 1d: cache invalidation
- 1e: IO-bottleneck
1a is related to question 3
1b should be easy to estimate / check -> care has to be taken as
memory-trashing is catastrophic in regards to solving-time (probably not
your issue as it's usually worse than only a 70% slow-down)
1c can be a real issue (imho) with many LP/MILP solvers running
concurrently as some subroutines (e.g. simplex) are quite memory-bandwith
hungry -> tuning recommended (see "recommendation")
1d not much one can do without removing concurrent workers / noisy
neighbors -> hopefully not that important as mostly a L3-cache issue (which
is slow anyway) until threads are highly overcommitted (many
1e only relevant when all your 48 tasks read their input the same time ->
not sure if relevant: but easy to solve if needed => add a randomized sleep
before doing IO which is not counting towards solving-time
Conclusion: 1a would be a real problem (see 3); 1b should be analyzed and
1c might need tuning. 1d we ignore and 1e might be analyzed and approaches
if nothing else works.
2: "Determinism" (again: decisions/path)
- 2a: Slow-down while using a different solver-path (different decisions)
- 2b: Slow-down while not using a different solver-path (same path, but
faster or slower)
Non-deterministic throughput (OS-scheduling and all topics above) is bad
itself but it's probably even worse when the algorithm is working in a
time-dependent manner. In this case, 2a, any bad effect can become much
much worse.
I'm somewhat afraid *and this is a question for SCIP-devs* that SCIP is not
(opposed to some other solvers based on cooperative-scheduling /
task-interleaving) necessarily following the same path before being cut-off
by some time-limit (or terminating with a solution). I interpret the
source-code like "#define DEFAULT_HEURTIMELIMIT 60.0 /**< time limit for
a single heuristic run */" as indication, that effects/influences from 1
can make two solver-runs "diverge" in their decisions (run A can work with
heuristic success solution; run B cannot) => the bad thing here is that
decisions can have exponentially bad influence on solving-time (compare
with "performance variability in mixed-integer programming").
Conclusion : Probably not much one can do except for reducing the effects
of 1.
3: "CPU-core overcommitment (self-scheduled + "noisy neighbors" = other
peoples scheduled tasks):
- 3a: Scheduling 100 tasks on 48 cores leads to <= 48 tasks running
concurrently (bounded pool)
- 3b: Scheduling 100 tasks on 48 cores leads to 49 or more tasks running
concurrently (unbounded pool)
Related to 1a:
Conclusion: 3b is bad in any case, but even worse when other peoples tasks
are not controlled by the scheduler. I assume 3a is the case. *If not, it's
not a good environment/setup for benchmarking.*
4: Single-core performance variability
- 4a: Turbo-boosted CPUs
- 4b: More "stable" CPUs
Especially desktop CPUs are hard to use for benchmarks due to
turbo-boosting and co. Some libraries like "google benchmark" even tries to
detect this and outputs strong warnings.
There are similar (inverse) topics related to noisy-neighbors (AVX512
instruction-counting based cpu-clock throttling).
Terrible situation for everyone doing benchmarks. BUT hopefully your VM is
a classic server-like setup where turbo-boosting and co. is not there and
things are much more symmetric.
*If not: again... bad environment/setup.*
The AVX512 topic can hurt a lot (~30% less clock-speed) but pretty much no
software is using it. I guess this includes simplex-based MILP solvers
(especially SCIP). Not so sure about IPMs though.
Long story short:
Assuming that it's a server-like environment ("stable CPU cores" + high
memory-bandwith) i have only one real recommendation:
- Don't let the scheduler run with a pool-size of N=cpu-cores=48 but M<<N
- Tune M by doing experiments: M converging to 0 should make
performance-variability converge to 0 (~ your serial experiments) and you
should decide for yourself if 1%, 5% or 10% deviation is ok (when 70% is
not) -> pick M achieving the % desired
- This should help with all topics in 1, 2, and 3
***** Hopyfully, you have some kind of control of the scheduler to do this!
(maybe there is an admin to contact and talk to) *****
Best-case: M includes other peoples tasks (probably a strong no by your
admin due to economic factors)
Maybe okay: M includes only your tasks (for which we now are very
cpu/memory-bandwith hungry)
(Without control there might be some merrit in scheduling dummy-tasks; we
control; limiting negative impact. But in most cases this assumes something
about the scheduler-decisions and is a rather hacky endavour)
PS: There is, of course, also statistics. Maybe it makes sense to replace
serial runs with *doing parallel runs multiple times (each) and smooth the
results* (including analysis of variance).
Am Di., 26. Nov. 2024 um 21:48 Uhr schrieb Bayramoglu, Selin <
sbayramoglu3 at gatech.edu>:
> Hello,
> I have a question regarding the timing of algorithms. I am recording the
> solving times of SCIP on 100 problems. My end goal is to compare SCIP under
> different configurations. I am running my experiments on a dedicated
> 48-core virtual machine. I have run these problems in two settings:
> 1. Submit a single job which solves the problems sequentially on a
> single core. I did not submit any other job, but the machine has regular
> processes going on in the background.
> 2. Submit 100 jobs and use all cores of the machine. The jobs get
> assigned to different cores of the machine and run in parallel.
> I use HTCondor for scheduling jobs. I observed that the solving time can
> go up by up to 70% in case 2 compared to case 1. In addition, running case
> 1 several times gives very consistent runtimes, but the runtimes vary a lot
> more in case 2.
> I was wondering if there are certain measures to take so that timing
> values are stable (one can guarantee to get the a similar solving time for
> every run on the same problem) and are short. Even though the results from
> case 1 are satisfactory, it is highly time consuming to run all jobs on a
> single core and keep the remaining 47 cores idle.
> I would be happy to take any suggestions on this matter.
> Thanks.
> *Selin Bayramoglu*
> Ph.D. Student
> *H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering*
> Georgia Institute of Technology
> sbayramoglu3 at gatech.edu
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