[SCIP] implementation of a benders decomposition
Marc Pfetsch
pfetsch at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Thu Oct 10 12:11:41 CEST 2024
Hi Alexandre,
from you description, the two approaches should yield the same answer.
Unfortunately, I cannot give a good explanation of why this is not the case.
Can you set up an example with a single block and check whether the
problem already occurs there?
Moreover, I noticed that you turned off presolving. Is there a deeper
reason for this?
I don't know enough about the Benders framework to answer your question
about branching.
On 07/10/2024 05:50, Alexandre Dupont-Bouillard wrote:
> Dear SCIP community,
> I modelized a problem as an ILP having a block diagonal structure and I
> am trying to solve it
> using a benders decomposition. I am collaborating with someone who
> implemented other algorithms in Python which makes it mandatory for me
> to use Pyscipopt. I implemented the compact model using Pyscipopt.
> I know that integrality constraints are mandatory inside these
> subproblems but the first step would be to implement that model relaxing
> the integrality constraints of the subproblems.
> I tried to use the example given in bendersflp.py and adapt it to my
> case. The obtained program runs until convergence but does not give the
> same optimal value as the compact model with a relaxation of the
> integrality constraints of the variables associated with subproblems.
> For one week, I have been looking for differences in both model sets of
> linear constraints and cannot find any difference. Is there any reason
> for that phenomenon to appear besides a mistake in the code?
> Also, I would like to know the best way to implement the full branching
> process and deal with the integrality constraints of the subproblems
> using SCIP. Is it necessary to implement a dedicated branching process?
> The code can be found in that repository if needed:
> https://github.com/alexandredupontbouillard/ambulance
> Thanks a lot for your attention
> Alexandre Dupont-Bouillard
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