[SCIP] Question: Upgrade from 8.0.4 to 9.x.x

Stefan Vigerske svigerske at gams.com
Mon Feb 3 19:30:34 CET 2025


SCIP 9.0.0 was a major release, which comes with changes to the API and 
parameters that are not backward compatible. These are documented in the 
release notes ("Interface changes" in 
https://www.scipopt.org/doc-9.2.1/html/RN9.php#RN900), so if you studied 
them and found that they are not relevant for you, then transition may 
be smooth. There have been new features and, of course, SCIP will behave 
differently (more often better than worse) on many instances.

Minor and bugfix releases (8.1.0, 9.x.y after 9.0.0) should be 
backward-compatible and bring only small new features, but many bugfixes.


On 03/02/2025 16:05, Luc wrote:
> Dear SCIP Team,
> I’m currently using SCIP 8.0.4 and am considering upgrading to SCIP 9.x.x.
> I’ve reviewed the release notes and would appreciate your confirmation on
> whether SCIP 9.x.x can directly replace 8.0.4, or if any modifications are
> needed for a smooth transition.
> Thank you for your assistance.
> Best regards,
> Luc Urlings
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