[SCIP] Question About IIS Functionality in SCIP

Kamp, Dominik Dominik.Kamp at uni-bayreuth.de
Sun Jan 12 12:20:23 CET 2025

Dear Ameya,

MIP-DD (https://github.com/scipopt/MIP-DD) on the develop branch provides some kind of IIS-heuristic, which can simply be set up by linking SCIP to it and adding option -o feasible when calling.

However, since it is rather designed to investigate the underlying solver instead of the given problem, you might want to wait for the IIS-plugin in SCIP announced in an earlier message on this list, which could be available soon on the master branch of SCIP.

Best regards,


> On 12. Jan 2025, at 07:50, Ameya Munagekar <amunagekar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi SCIP Team, 
> I hope you're doing well! 
> I'm reaching out to check if SCIP has a feature for identifying an Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem (IIS), 
> I'm working on a project in python where I need to analyze infeasibility in optimization models, and I was wondering if SCIP can help with this directly or if there's a recommended workaround, any pointers or advice would be really helpful. 
> Thanks in advance for your time!
> Regards,
> Ameya
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