[Opt-net] ASMAMOD

ecarrizosa@us.es ecarrizosa at us.es
Fri Mar 13 14:37:58 MET 2009

"Advanced School in MAthematical MODeling" 
(Modeling Summer at IMUS)

Instituto de Matematicas de la Universidad de Sevilla,
Sevilla, Spain, 22-26 June 2009. 

The main aim is to encourage young researchers to promote mathematical modeling issues among researchers at early stage in their training. With this aim, an international  team of experts will present in a series of courses different aspects on modeling of continuous systems, modeling of discrete systems, systems simulation, and the (exact or approximate) solution of the underlying optimization problems, with special emphasis in formal, computational, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary issues.

The school is open to a group of about 20 young researchers, with a recent PhD or a PhD close to completion. They should already have skills in mathematical modeling, to be improved and complemented in some topics (e.g. continuous systems, mathematical programming). 

The school will take place at the IMUS on 22nd -26th June 2009. It will be structured in  courses and seminars in 5 working days. Each course will take 4 hours in one morning session, and will give with an updated “state-of-the-art” on mathematical models in modern Mathematics and the computational tools needed.  Evening sessions will be organized in 90-minutes seminars, presented by well recognized Spanish researchers, who will introduce the participants in specific models for real-world applications, as well as the computational techniques used. 

Scholarships are planned a number of parcipants. 

1.                   A. Liñán, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 
2.                   S. Nickel, Universität des Saarlander. 
3.                   P. Quintela, Universidad de Santiago. 

1.                   J. Casado-Díaz, Universidad de Sevilla.
2.                   E. Freire, Universidad de Sevilla. 
3.                   I. García Jurado. Universidad de La Coruña
4.                   F. J. Nogales, Universidad Carlos III.
5.                   C. Parés, Universidad de Málaga. 
6.                   M.D. Romero Morales, University of Oxford

For more information, please contact Emilio Carrizosa (ecarrizosa at us.es)

Emilio Carrizosa
Facultad de Matematicas, Universidad de Sevilla
Avda Reina Mercedes s/n. 41012 Sevilla, Spain 

Tel: 34 954557943 (don't be too disappointed if ain't there)
Fax 34 954622800 
TOP. The OR Journal of the Spanish Stats & OR Society. 
Please have a look at its web page, www.springer.com/11750
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