[Opt-net] Special Issue OR Spectrum "Optimization in Disaster Relief"

Karl F. Doerner karl.doerner at univie.ac.at
Fri Oct 9 08:06:59 MEST 2009


OR Spectrum

Special Issue on “Optimization in Disaster Relief”

Guest Editors:

Karl F. Doerner, University of Vienna
Walter J. Gutjahr, University of Vienna
Luk N. Van Wassenhove, INSEAD

This special issue collects high-quality papers dealing
with optimization or decision analysis problems
that occur in the field of disaster relief. Topics
of interest include all aspects and phases of disaster management,
such as

• Disaster Mitigation
• Disaster Preparedness
• Disaster Response
• Disaster Recovery

The submissions can relate to natural disasters
(earthquakes, floods, draughts, fires, hurricanes, epidemics etc.)
or to man-made crises and can address questions in areas as facility 
transportation logistics, supply chain management, scheduling, health 
care, insurance,
risk modeling, capacity building or other. Contributions referring to 
concerns of
developing countries with respect to catastrophes or epidemics are of 
particular interest.

The applied methods can come from diverse branches of Operations 
Research such as

• Linear, Nonlinear, Combinatorial or Heuristic Optimization
• Stochastic or Robust Optimization
• Dynamic Optimization
• Multicriteria Decision Making
• Simulation

We especially encourage contributions addressing the relation between 
social and economic
issues which are both relevant in humanitarian relief, but papers 
focusing on one of these
two aspects are also welcome. Submissions can provide results on a 
theoretical or methodological
level, or they can report on experimental applications of Operations 
Research techniques to real-world cases.
As decision makers, governmental organizations, non-governmental 
organizations, private companies and/or community
initiatives can be envisaged. No matter whether the submissions are 
methodologically oriented or case-based, they should
in any case clearly state their link with a real-life problem situation.

Review Process
Each submitted paper will be peer-reviewed in the same manner as other 
submissions to a leading international journal.
Quality and originality of the contribution are the major acceptance 
criteria for each submission. Due to the tight deadline,
papers requiring a substantial revision will not be accepted for the 
special issue, but may be put into the journal’s regular process and,
after revision is complete, be considered for a regular issue of the 

Submission Guidelines
The deadline for submission is December 31, 2009.
Manuscripts must be written in English and should be submitted in ps or 
pdf format to one of the following e-mail addresses:
Karl.Doerner at univie.ac.at
Walter.Gutjahr at univie.ac.at
Luk.VAN-WASSENHOVE at insead.edu
For further information, please contact the guest editors.


Univ.-Doz. Dr. Karl F. Doerner    mailto:karl.doerner at univie.ac.at [e]
University of Vienna
Production and Operations Management            +43(0)1 4277-38113 [t]
Bruenner Strasse 72                             +43(0)1 4277-38094 [f]
A 1210 Vienna, Austria.  http://www.univie.ac.at/bwl/prod/doerner/ [U] 

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