[Opt-net] Please include in the next Optnet-Digest

Gerhard Reinelt gerhard.reinelt at informatik.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Jul 8 08:49:48 MEST 2010


     MATCOS-final deadline extension and invitation for student session

Please find enlosed the final call for papers of the Mini-conference on
Applied Theoretical Computer Science  (MATCOS-10) held in Koper at the
Slovenian Adriatic Coast, 13th and 14th of October.  Due to multiple 
the final extended submission deadline is 18th of July.  More detailed 
information is displayed at http://matcos.pint.upr.si.

During the MATCOS conference, a student session is organized. The key points
for the student session are the followings:
-     the expected submissions are about student research works under the
guidience of a supervisor
-     the length and the format of the extended abstracts are the same 
as for
the  regular session (see http://matcos.pint.upr.si/en/paper-submission)
-     on the paper the supervisor should be also listed
-     all  accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings,
best ones are selected for publishing in a student journal
-     submission deadline is September 5th, 2010. Papers are sent to
matcos at upr.si with the subject of "student session".

Please circulate the above call among the potential student participants.
Personal inquires should be sent to: matcos at upr.si.


                        Final Call for Papers

       Mini-conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science
            Koper, Slovenia, October 13th and 14th, 2010.


Held  in conjunction  with  the 13th  Multi-Conference on  Information
Society, October 11-15, 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (http://is.ijs.si/)

Scope and Topics

During  the past years,  several subjects,  methods and  approaches of
Theoretical  Computer Science  have  been used  by  other fields,  and
several    results   have    been   integrated    into    real   world
applications.  Some  examples  for  the  above  nature  are  practical
solutions  for NP-hard  problems,  algorithmics oriented  AI and  data
mining  solutions,  new  models  and  methods in  system  biology  and
bioinformatics,  automata theory  solutions in  software  and hardware
verification,  prospective  new   models  of  computation  and  future
computer architecture.

The scope of the conference is to collect ideas and solutions from the
field of Theoretical Computer Science which can be directly applied in
other  fields  or being  potential  to  be  integrated in  real  world

Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest include:

    * automata and formal languages, computability
    * algorithms and data structutes
    * computational complexity
    * artificial intelligence, machine learning
    * optimization, approximation methods, NP-hard problems
    * graph theory

Special  emphasis   on  use   in  applications  such   as  simulation,
Bioinformatics, Digital signal and image processing, logistics etc.

Program Committee:
  Andrej Brodnik (Ljubljana, Koper, Slovenia), co-chair
  Gábor Galambos (Szeged, Hungary), co-chair
  Gabriel Istrate (Timisoara, Romania)
  Miklós Krész (Szeged, Hungary)
  Gerhard Reinelt (Heidelberg, Germany)
  Borut Robiè, (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  Magnus Steinby (Turku, Finland)
  Borut Zalik (Maribor, Slovenia)

Keynote speaker:
  András  Recski (Budapest, Hungary)

Paper submission:

Papers  presenting original  research in  conference topics  are being
sought. Papers  must be in  English and provide sufficient  details to
allow the  program committee to  assess their merits.  Submissions, as
well as  final versions, are limited  to 4 pages  sharp long abstracts
and  will  be  published  in an  Information  Society  multiconference
proceedings. Revised versions of selected full papers will appear in a
special  issue of  the journal  Informatica  (www.informatica.si). The
instructions and the format for preparing the papers can be downloaded


Only electronic submissions will be accepted (in pdf format), via



by email (matcos at upr.si) with the subject "MATCOS submission".

The accepted papers  will be published in a  Proceedings issued by the
University Press of the University of Primorska.

Organized by Primorska Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology

Important dates:
  18th of July: submission deadline (extended!!)
  27th of August: notification to authors
  13th of October: student session
  14th of October: regular session

Website and Contacts:

More detailed on-line information is displayed at


Personal inquires should be sent to: matcos at upr.si

Dr.Gábor Galambos
full professor
University Szeged
Faculty of Education

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