[Opt-net] Melbourne IFORS 10-15 July, 2011 --- Abstract Submission open!
Gerhardwilhelm Weber
gweber at metu.edu.tr
Tue Jul 13 08:11:31 MEST 2010
Second Call for Papers
19th Triennial Conference of
the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
10th 15th July, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
World OR: Global Economy and Sustainable Environment
**** Abstract Submission now open *****
Papers on all aspects of Operational Research are invited. Authors
wishing to present are requested to submit an abstract of not more
than 100 words via the Abstract Submission system at:
Important Dates:
Deadline for contributed abstracts: 15 December 2010
Deadline for invited abstracts: 15 January 2011
For info on invited streams, see the Program section of the conference
webpage: http://www.ifors2011.org.
For enquiries, please contact the Programme Committee Chair:
Prof. Janny M.Y. Leung
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
Phone: +(852) 2609-8238
E-mail: jleung at se.cuhk.edu.hk
IFORS Prize for OR in Development:
Submissions are invited of papers describing a practical OR
application in a developing country, related to education, health,
water, technology, resource use, infrastructure, agriculture,
environmental concerns, etc.
Enquiries should be sent to the Prize Committee Chair:
Dr. Subhash Datta, Director
Jaipuria Institute of Management
1 Bambala Institutional Area, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur 302033 India
e-mail: subhash.datta at gmail .com or sdatta at jimj.ac.in
Conference Organising Committee:
Chair: Dr Patrick Tobin
School of Arts and Sciences (Vic)
Australian Catholic University
Melbourne Campus (St Patrick's)
Patrick.Tobin at acu.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 9953 3199
Fax: +61 3 9495 6141
Secretary: Ms. Kaye Marion
Senior lecturer in Operations Research and Statistics
School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences
RMIT University
k.marion at rmit.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 9925 3162
Treasurer: Assoc Prof Paul Lochert
plochert at bigpond.net.au
Phone: +61 3 9802 4628
Organising Committee:
Prof Baikunth Nath
Computer Science and Software Engineering
University of Melbourne
baikunth at unimelb.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 8344 1400
Prof John Hearne
Head, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences
RMIT University
John.hearne at rmit.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 9925 2283
Prof Natashia Boland
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
University of Newcastle
Natashia.Boland at newcastle.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 4921 6717
Fax: +61 2 4921 6898
Invited Streams and Organisers:
Airline Applications Matthias Ehrgott
m.ehrgott at auckland.ac.nz
Analytic Hierarchy Process Josef Jablonsky Jablon at vse.cz
Applied Probability Peter Taylor
P.Taylor at ms.unimelb.edu.au
Approximation Algorithms Hans Kellerer
hans.kellerer at uni-graz.at
Bioinformatics Ceyda Oguz
coguz at ku.edu.tr
Combinatorial Optimization Silvano Martello
silvano.martello at unibo.it
Constraint Programming (CP-AI)
Jimmy Lee jlee at cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Mark Wallace
Mark.Wallace at infotech.monash.edu.au
Natashia Bolland
Natashia.Boland at newcastle.edu.au
Continuous Optimisation Gerhard Wilhelm Weber
gweber at metu.edu.tr
Cutting and Packing David Pisinger
pisinger at diku.dk
Jose Oliveira jfo at fe.up.pt
Data Envelopement Analysis Ali Emrouznejad
a.emrouznejad at aston.ac.uk
Discrete Optimisation Gerhard Reinelt
gerhard.reinelt at informatik.uni-heidelberg.de
Michael Juenger
mjuenger at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Economics of Operations Chung-Piaw Teo
bizteocp at nus.edu.sg
Education Jim Cochran
jcochran at cab.latech.edu
Emergency Evacuation and Response Elise Miller-Hooks elisemh at umd.edu
Forestry applications Andres Weintraub
aweintra at dii.uchile.cl
Fuzzy Logic Janos Fodor fodor at bmf.hu
Health Care Applications Leonid Churilov
lchurilov at nsri.org.au
Integer Programming Sungsoo Park
sspark at kaist.ac.kr
Knowledge Management and Data Mining Jo Smedley
Jo.Smedley at newport.ac.uk
Learning and Intelligent Optimisation Kate Smith-Miles
kate.smith-miles at sci.monash.edu.au
Marine Transportation and Ports Harilaos Psaraftis
hnpsar at central.ntua.gr
Marketing and OM Interface Kathryn Stecke
Kstecke at utdallas.edu
Meta-heuristics Celso Riberio
celso at inf.puc-rio.br
Stefan Voss
stefan.voss at hamburg.de
Military, Defense and Security Applications Greg Parlier gparlier at ida.org
Mining Applications Alexandra Newman anewman at mines.edu
Lou Caccetta
caccetta at maths.curtin.edu.au
Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Decision Support
Theo Stewart
theodor.stewart at uct.ac.za
Jyrki Wallenius
Jyrki.Wallenius at hse.fi
Roman Slowinski
roman.slowinski at cs.put.poznan.pl
Network Optimisation Luis Gouveia
legouveia at fc.ul.pt
Non-linear discrete optimisation Duan Li dli at se.cuhk.edu.hk
Xiaoling Sun xls at fudan.edu.cn
Non-linear optimisation Ya-xiang Yuan yyx at lsec.cc.ac.cn
Non-smooth optimisation Andrew Eberhard
andy.eb at rmit.edu.au
Jon Borwein
jon.borwein at gmail.com
Regina Burachik
Regina.Burachik at unisa.edu.au
Operations Management Candi Yano
yano at ieor.berkeley.edu
OR and Energy Markets Andy Philpott
a.philpott at auckland.ac.nz
OR and Marketing Christopher Tang
chris.tang at anderson.ucla.edu
OR and Real Implementation Ben Lev
blev at umich.edu
OR and Sports Tristan Barnett
strategicgames at hotmail.com
OR and Sustainable Development Subhash Datta
subhash.datta at gmail.com
Devanath Tirupati devnath at iimb.ernet.in
OR Applications in Energy Ilhan Or or at boun.edu.tr
OR Practice John Ranyard
jranyard at cix.co.uk
OR software Bjarni Kristiansson
bjarni at maximalsoftware.com
Production Chung-Yee Lee cylee at ust.hk
Public Transit Dennis Huisman
huisman at few.eur.nl
Revenue Management Luce Brotcorne
luce.brotcorne at inria.fr
Scheduling Wieslaw Kubiak
wkubiak at mun.ca
Service and Health Care Operations Chon Goh cgoh at camden.rutgers.edu
Kumar Rajaram
krajaram at anderson.ucla.edu
Software Engineering Baikunth Nath
baikunth at unimelb.edu.au
Stochastic optimisation and applications Laureano Escudero
laureano.escudero at urjc.es
Stochastic programming Abdel Lisser
Abdel.Lisser at lri.fr
Ruediger Schultz
schultz at math.uni-duisburg.de
Submodular Structures and Optimization Satoru Fujishige
fujishig at kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Supply Chain Management Nesim Erkip nesim at bilkent.edu.tr
Tava Lennon Olsen olsen at wustl.edu
Supply Chain Management in China Jian Chen
chenj at em.tsinghua.edu.cn
Telecommunications Bernard Fortz
bernard.fortz at ulb.ac.be
Time-Definite Logistics Richard Wong rtwong at ups.com
Transportation Michel Gendreau
michelg at crt.umontreal.ca
Maria Grazia Speranza
speranza at eco.unibs.it
Travel Behaviour Michel Bierlaire
michel.bierlaire at epfl.ch
Vehicle Routing Richard Eglese
R.Eglese at Lancaster.ac.uk
Arne Løkketangen
Arne.Lokketangen at HiMolde.no
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