[Opt-net] CFP: ORAHS 2010 Conference, 18-23 July 2010

Roberto Aringhieri roberto.aringhieri at unito.it
Tue Mar 9 15:10:21 MET 2010

**** Conference Announcement and first Call For Papers ****

XXXVI ORAHS International Conference -- July 18-23, 2010 -- Genova, Italy

Website: http://orahs2010.diem.unige.it

The 36th ORAHS (Operational Research Applied to Health Services) conference will
take place in Genova, Italy, between July 18 and July 23. The conference venue is the 
School of Economics, University of Genova.

We welcome all researchers and practitioners that have an interest in applying operational 
research techniques to problems that are encountered in health services. The theme of the
ORAHS 2010 conference is "OR for patient-centered healthcare delivery". 

On line registration for the conference is now open. It is also possible to book on line
your accommodation in Genova.

The CFP is available here: http://www.diem.unige.it/orahs2010/docs/CFP-ORAHS2010.pdf
Below you can find some details.

For the organizing committee, Roberto Aringhieri

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Abstract Submission

All participants who wish to present their work at the conference have to submit a one page 
abstract (300 words), including the authors' name, affiliation, and contact information. 
Please follow the "Abstract submission guidelines" reported in the website. Deadline: April 15, 2010. 

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Invited Sessions

We encourage the organization of invited sessions within the technical scope of the conference. 
Each session typically contains 4 or 5 papers. Session proposals must be submitted by the session 
organizer/s, before April 10, 2010 via e-mail to orahs2010.session at gmail.com. The proposal should
contain the title and theme of the session and a list of paper titles, names and email addresses of the 
corresponding authors. The abstracts belonging to the invited session are submitted directly by the 
authors following the "Abstract submission guidelines" and quoting the invited session title. 

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Conference Proceedings Book

All participants, who already submitted an abstract, can also submit an extended abstract (maximum 
6 pages), which will appear in the conference proceedings book (with ISBN) edited by Franco Angeli 
Edition and distributed during the conference. Please follow the "Conference Proceedings submission 
guidelines" reported in the website. Deadline: June 1, 2010. 

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Special Issues

After the conference, authors have the opportunity to submit a full paper for publication in a 
special volume edited by Springer.
All participants could also consider to submit a full paper for publication in the special issue 
"OR for health care delivery" of Computers and Operations Research.
Submission details will be provided during the conference and via website.

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Important dates

- 10 April 2010: Deadline for invited sessions proposals
- 15 April 2010: Deadline for abstracts submission (regular, PhD and invited)
- 30 April 2010: Notification of acceptance
- 15 May 2010: Early Registration deadline
- 15 May 2010: Hotel Registration deadline (for special rates)
- 01 June 2010: Extended abstract submission deadline for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Book

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Registration Fees
						Before May 15  		After May 15
Regular 				Euro 450 			Euro 500
Students 				Euro 250 			Euro 300
Accompanying persons 	Euro 200 			Euro 250

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*** Join to ORAHS 2010: http://orahs2010.diem.unige.it ***

Dr Roberto Aringhieri, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Torino
Corso Svizzera 185, I-10149 Torino, Italy
Office: +39 011 6706755 - Mobile: +39 331 1239026
WWW: http://www.di.unito.it/~aringhie
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/robertoaringhieri
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/roberto.aringhieri

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