[Opt-net] Call for Speakers and Call for Participation: CPAIOR2011, Workshop on "Mathematical Optimization of Railway-Systems"
Thomas Schlechte
schlechte at zib.de
Tue Mar 8 12:50:52 MET 2011
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the next workshop dedicated
to railway optimization at CPAIOR 2011 to be held at the
Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany, May 24, 2011.
Call for Talks&Participation:
Workshop on "Mathematical Optimization of Railway-Systems"
at the conference CPAIOR 2011 (May 23-27, 2011), in Berlin
The focus of this workshop is on solution techniques for
combinatorial optimization problems, which arise in railway
systems. The main motivation for this workshop is the
observation that railway planning problems can be extremely
difficult to solve optimally with existing methods, while
doing so could result in huge gains, e.g., in terms of cost
reductions or service quality improvements. The organization
committee invites submissions of extended abstracts
(maximal 2 pages) describing original work or current
problems in railway practice. A substantial connection
to real world railway systems is expressly desired, e.g.,
project participation of industrial partners.
At the CPAIOR 2011 we organize a one day workshop on
"Mathematical Optimization of Railway-Systems" to present
and discuss recent developments in this area.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Network Design,
* Line Planning,
* Timetabling,
* Railway Track Allocation,
* Rolling Stock Planning,
* Shunting,
* Crew Scheduling,
* Re-Scheduling,
* Dispatching,
* and, Real-Time Management.
The workshop offers only a limited number of slots for speakers,
which will be selected by the workshop organizers on the basis of
submitted abstracts. Participation is open to everyone.
Registration to the CPAIOR conference is required. Please send a
title and an abstract of your talk (up to 2 pages) to the workshop
organizers: cpaior2011-railways at zib.de. Accepted contributions
(abstracts and presentations) will be published on the workshop's
homepage, given the consent of the authors.
Important dates
* March 31, 2011, Abstract submission
* April 07, 2011, Notification
Workshop organizers
Ralf Borndörfer, Zuse Institute Berlin, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Holger Flier, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Martin Fuchsberger, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Thomas Schlechte, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
If you have any questions about the workshop in general, the
local organization, etc., please contact us on the
e-mail cpaior2011-railways at zib.de.
Kind regards,
Thomas Schlechte
Thomas Schlechte \ Konrad Zuse Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin
------------------\ Takustrasse 7, D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem, GERMANY
\ *Phone: +49-30 841 85-317 *Fax: -269
\ http://www.zib.de/schlechte
\ schlechte at zib.de
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