[Opt-net] workshop on nonlinear combinatorial optimization

Pietro Belotti pbelott at clemson.edu
Thu Mar 17 16:30:17 MET 2011

(apologies for cross posting)

                       Second call for Papers

                             Workshop on
                         Hybrid Methods for
              Nonlinear Combinatorial Optimization Problems

                       CPAIOR - Zuse Institut
                    Berlin, Germany, May 24, 2011

This workshop aims at bringing together scholars and practitioners from the 
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) and the Constraint Programming (CP) 
communities to share their thoughts on the theory and implementation of solvers 
for MINLP and CP problems. This is the third edition that follows two workshops 
held at CPAIOR 2009 in Pittsburgh, PA and at CPAIOR 2010 in Bologna, Italy. 
This workshop is motivated by the recent development of new solvers and 
exciting new results in MINLP and CP.

The organizing committee invites submissions of a short abstract (about 4000 
characters) that outline original work, present preliminary results, describe 
an open problem, or propose ideas of new computational methods. We emphasize 
that the scope of the workshop is to discuss new and pioneering work in MINLP 
and/or CP, which therefore does not necessarily have to be completed work. 
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Reformulations and their impact on the efficiency of MINLP solvers;

- Mixed Integer Quadratic Optimization: challenges and applications;

- Integration of CP methods in MINLP solvers;

- Software for MINLP and CP;

- General domain filtering/bounds reduction techniques for MINLP
   and/or CP;

- Improving nonlinear constraints in CP through MINLP techniques;

- Decomposition techniques (e.g., Benders, Column Generation) based on
   MINLP and CP;

- Challenging real-world applications that can be modeled by MINLP and
   might benefit from a hybrid approach.

The submissions will be evaluated by the program committee and a selection of 
abstracts will be admitted for presentation at the workshop. We strongly 
encourage the submission of new challenging problems, especially those that are 
not available in online libraries such as www.minlp.org, GlobalLib, and 

Please note that the workshop is free of charge for CPAIOR participants, while 
a small fee is charged for participating in the workshop only.

Important Dates

- March 25, 2011: Abstract submission due
- April 10, 2011: Notification of acceptance
- May   24, 2011: Workshop

Abstracts can be submitted by email to Pietro Belotti at pbelott at clemson.edu

Program Commitee

Stefano Gualandi (co-chair), Università di Pavia
Pietro Belotti (co-chair), Clemson University
Timo Berthold, Zuse Institute Berlin
Willem-Jan van Hoeve, Carnegie Mellon University
Guido Tack, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Stefan Vigerske, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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