[Opt-Net] Postdoc position at CNES Toulouse, France

Epenoy Richard Richard.Epenoy at cnes.fr
Tue Nov 6 07:36:06 MET 2012

Postdoctoral fellowship in optimal control and space mechanics at CNES Toulouse, France

A one year (renewable once) PostDoc position will be available from (earliest) september 2013 at the French space agency (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) in Toulouse, France. The remuneration is 2258 € per month before taxes.

The candidate will contribute to the design of low-energy low-thrust Earth-Moon transfers by using optimal control techniques and dynamical systems theory.

Requirements: The candidate should hold a PhD in applied mathematics or in space mechanics and should have an good background in the dynamics of the n-body problem. Knowledge on optimal control will also be appreciated.

Working language: French.

Application: The application, containing the candidate's cv and a description of his/her research interests and achievements should be sent by email to 

Dr. Richard Epenoy
18 avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Richard.Epenoy at cnes.fr

Further enquiries should also be directed to the email address above.

The official application deadline is 31th of March 2013. The successful candidates might be selected for an interview process in spring and have to be available for a start between September and December 2013.

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