[Opt-Net] ICCOPT 2013, Portugal, July 27 - August 1

Luis Nunes Vicente lnv at mat.uc.pt
Tue Nov 6 17:07:22 MET 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Could you please announce the following event in opt-net?
The subject is:

   ICCOPT 2013, Portugal, July 27 - August 1

Many thanks and best regards, Luis

Luis Nunes Vicente http://www.mat.uc.pt/~lnv

------------------------ from below -------------------------------------

             ICCOPT 2013 (second announcement)

ICCOPT 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Continuous
Optimization of the Mathematical Optimization Society will take 
place in Lisbon, Portugal, from July 27 to August 1, 2013, and
includes a Conference (July 29 - August 1) and a Summer School
(July 27-28).

The Conference plenary speakers are: Paul I. Barton, Michael C. Ferris, 
Yurii Nesterov, Yinyu Ye.

The Conference semi-plenary speakers are: Amir Beck, Regina Burachik, 
Sam Burer, Coralia Cartis, Michel De Lara, Victor DeMiguel, 
Michael Hintermüller, Ya-xiang Yuan.

In addition, several clusters or streams of organized sessions
are being prepared (topics and co-chairs available from the website).

The deadline for submitting an abstract is April 15.
The Summer School (July 27-28) is directed to graduate students and 
young researchers, and includes two courses: (i) PDE-Constrained 
Optimization, by M. Ulbrich and C. Meyer; (ii) Sparse Optimization and 
Applications to Information Processing, by M. A. T. Figueiredo and 
S. J. Wright. The deadline for applications is May 15.

There will be a paper competition for young researchers in Continuous 
Optimization (deadline April 1; information available from the website).

The website is http://eventos.fct.unl.pt/iccopt2013

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