[Opt-Net] Workshop announcement

Massimo Roma roma at dis.uniroma1.it
Tue Nov 13 12:54:23 MET 2012

Preliminay Announcement

Erice, Italy
June 10-17, 2013

This is the 59th Workshop of the International School of
Mathematics "G. Stampacchia" at the Ettore Majorana Centre
and Fondation for Scientific Culture (EMCFSC). It is the
seventh Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization and related topics.
The preceding ones have been held every three years starting
from 1995.

The Workshop will be held in Erice, Sicily, Italy, at the EMCFSC.

The Workshop aims to review and discuss recent advances and
promising research trends in Nonlinear Optimization and to
provide a forum for fruitful interactions in strictly related
fields of research, with a particular focus on applications.

Topics include
- constrained and unconstrained nonlinear optimization
- global optimization
- derivative-free methods
- nonsmooth optimization
- nonlinear complementarity problems
- variational inequalities
- equilibrium problems
- game theory
- bilevel optimization
- optimization and machine learning
- applications of nonlinear optimization

The Workshop will include invited lectures (1 hour) and
contributed lectures (30 minutes). Members of the international
scientific community are invited to contribute a lecture
describing their current research and applications.

Invited lecturers who have confirmed the participation are:
- Alfio BORZI', University of Wurzburg, Germany
- Vladimir DEMYANOV, University of St. Petersburg, Russia
- Daniela DI SERAFINO, II Università di Napoli, Italy
- Francisco FACCHINEI, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- David Y. GAO, University of Ballarat, Australia
- Manlio GAUDIOSO, Università della Calabria, Italy
- Tom LUO, University of Minnesota, USA
- Kaisa MIETTINEN , University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Laura PALAGI, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
- Jong-Shi PANG, University of Illinois, USA
- Stephen ROBINSON, University of Wisconsin, USA
- Gesualdo SCUTARI, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
- Gerhard W. WEBER,  Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
- Ya-Xian YUAN, Chinese Academy of Science, China

Further information can be found at the URL:


or requested to the e-mail address:

erice2013 at dis.uniroma1.it

The Scientific and Organizing Committe:
- Gianni DI PILLO, SAPIENZA, University of Rome, Italy
- Franco GIANNESSI, International School of Mathematics, EMCFSC, Erice, 
- Massimo ROMA, SAPIENZA, University of Rome, Italy


Prof. Massimo Roma
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e
Gestionale ``A. Ruberti"

SAPIENZA - Universita' di Roma
via Ariosto 25
00185 Roma, ITALY

Phone: +39 06 77274090
fax: +39 06 77274074
E-mail:roma at dis.uniroma1.it
           massimo.roma at uniroma1.it

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