[Opt-Net] 1st CfP_EURO WG on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine, June 26-28, 2014

Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber gweber at metu.edu.tr
Sat Jul 13 07:28:26 MEST 2013

EURO WG on Operational Research in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and
                     First Call for Abstracts

The organizers of the EURO Working Group conference on Operational
Research in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine  have a
pleasure to invite you to take part in this conference to be held in
Poznan, Poland
June 26-28, 2014

Aims and Scope
The objective of EURO CBBM is to bring together researchers developing and
using computational methods to solve problems in computational biology,
bioinformatics and medicine. The conference intends to be an effective
forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of current research issues
and future trends in the above area.

-biomolecular sequence analysis,
-comparative genomics,
-metabolic network modeling and analysis,
-modeling and prediction of gene patterns,
-microarray informatics,
-protein and RNA structure prediction,
-protein interactions,
-genetic networks,
-analysis of genetic variations,
-systems biology,
-gene classification,
-docking and drug design,
-and others

Confirmed Invited Speakers
prof. Marek Figlerowicz (Inst.of Bioorganic Chemistry, PAS, Poland)  prof.
Giuseppe Lancia (University of Udine, Italy)
prof. Eric Westhof (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France)

Conference site
The conference will be hosted in the 130-year-old neo-renaissance
Biedrusko Palace (Poznan, Poland).

Abstract submission
Abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 600
characters (no formulae or mathematical notations are allowed). Each
attendee is allowed to present one paper at the conference. To submit an
abstract, use the abstract submission system of EURO-Online available on
the conference website http://cbbm2014.cs.put.poznan.pl.

Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: 15/02/2014
Notification of acceptance: 01/03/2014
Deadline for early registration: 15/03/2014

Special issue
Selected conference papers can be submitted for peer-reviewed publication
in the Special Issue of RAIRO - Operations Research.

Program Committee                        Organizing Committee
- Jacek Blazewicz (co-chair)             - Piotr Lukasiak (Co-chair)
- Metin Turkay (co-chair)                - Marta Szachniuk (Co-chair)
- Paola Bertolazzi                       - Marcin Borowski
- Giovanni Felici                        - Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu
- Piotr Formanowicz                      - Tomasz Ratajczak
- Jon Garibaldi                          - Aleksandra Swiercz
- Marta Kasprzak                         - Pawel Wojciechowski
- Piotr Lukasiak                         - Tomasz Zok
- Ceyda Oguz
- Marta Szachniuk
- Gerhard Wilhelm Weber

For all questions please contact: cbbm2014 at cs.put.poznan.pl.
Please visit our website http://cbbm2014.cs.put.poznan.pl for more

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