[Opt-Net] Computational Nonlinear Optimization - Intensive course, Szechenyi University, Gyor, Hungary, May 13-24, 2013

Janos D. Pinter janos.d.pinter at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 17:01:11 MET 2013

*** Apologies for possible cross postings ***

Computational Nonlinear Optimization:
Model Development, Algorithms, Software, and Applications

An intensive course presented by
János D. Pintér, PhD, DSc
PCS Inc. & Dalhousie University, Canada

Venue and Dates
Széchenyi István University, Gyor, Hungary, May 13-24, 2013


The course will be presented in 10 days, with the intention of covering
materials equivalent to a full university semester.
Three hours of lectures will be presented per day (Monday to Friday); a
corresponding amount of daily study effort
is expected from the attendees.

Course attendees - university students and professionals - should have a
sufficient undergraduate mathematics background
(calculus, algebra, probability); systems modeling and computational
experience will be an asset. Upon completing the course,
attendees will receive an official certificate from the University.

For further details regarding the course, feel free to contact Dr. Pintér
at janos.d.pinter at gmail.com.

For details regarding logistics (travel, accommodation, etc.), please
contact Ms. R. Varga at <vargar at sze.hu>.
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