[Opt-Net] ACP Summer School on "Practical Constraint Programming"
Michele Lombardi
michele.lombardi2 at unibo.it
Fri Apr 4 10:12:33 CEST 2014
Dear all,
In the hope this may be of interest for your or your students, I am sending the call for applications for the 2014 ACP Summer School on Constraint Programming, with topic “Practical Constraint Programming”.
The school will be held in Bologna (Italy) on coming June and will feature lectures on both Constraint Programming and hybrid CP OR optimization methods.
If you find the event interesting, feel free to forward the call to the internal mailing list of your department.
Best regards,
Michele Lombardi
2014 ACP Summer School in Constraint Programming
Practical Constraint Programming
June 16-20 2014, Bologna (IT)
* Alessio Bonfietti (Università di Bologna, Italy)
* Michele Lombardi (Università di Bologna, Italy)
* Pierre Schaus (ICTEAM, UCLouvain, Belgium)
The event is co-organized with the CEUR Foundation
Topics and speakers
The 2014 edition of the ACP Summer School will be held in Bologna (Italy), with the topic "Practical Constraint Programming".
The school is meant for CP researchers and practitioners with an academic or industrial background, interested in using Constraint Programming and Hybrid Methods to tackle real world optimization problems.
The school lecturers include renowned experts in the field as well as young talented researchers. In particular, lectures will be given by:
* Michela Milano (University of Bologna)
* Pascal Van Hentenryck (NICTA)
* Laurent Perron (Google)
* Paul Shaw (IBM)
* Willem-Jan van Hoeve (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Andrea Lodi (University of Bologna and IBM)
* Louis-Martin Rousseau (CIRRELT, Polytechnique de Montréal)
* Hadrien Cambazard (Grenoble Institute of Technology)
The lectures will cover technical topics as well as the experience of the speakers about tackling real world problems. More details can be found on the school web site at: http://school.a4cp.org/summer2014/
The school will also feature a substantial amount of hands-on sessions, organized by Laurent Perron, using the "Google or-tools" system (participants should bring their laptops).
The school has a fee of 150€ and the application deadline is May 15 2014
Any motivated candidate is encouraged to apply: this includes Ph.D. students, but also Master Students, Post-Docs, researchers, and professionals or R&D staff from the industry.
The school has a fee of 150€. The fee covers all course materials, coffee breaks, WiFi Internet Connection at the conference centre, and the social program (including a dinner in an Italian restaurant). You can register here: http://school.a4cp.org/summer2014/registration
Rooms are available for a convenient price at Camplus Living Bononia (the same building where the lectures take place). For more information, check the summer school web site.
* contact email: acpsummerschool2014 at gmail.com<mailto:acpsummerschool2014 at gmail.com>
* registration: http://school.a4cp.org/summer2014/registration
* deadline for applications: May 15
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