[Opt-Net] Open Postdoctoral position on "Dynamic optimization and dynamic games"

TU-Wien_ORCOS orcos at tuwien.ac.at
Wed Apr 23 15:58:51 CEST 2014

There is an open Postdoc position on
“Dynamic optimization and dynamic  games” at the Vienna University of 
Technology, Institute of Mathematical Methods in Economics. The position 
is for a full-time employment (40 hours a week) for at most 6 years, 
with expected beginning in October 2014.

Admission requirement: PhD in mathematics
Additional knowledge: experience in the theory and numerical methods for 
optimization, differential equations, optimal control, and differential 
games will be strongly appreciated

Salary scheme of the Universitäten-KV (University Collective Agreement):
B1, not less than € 3483,30 (pre-tax, 14 x per year)

Application Deadline: September 15, 2014

Please submit your application documents within the stated deadline to:

Vienna University of Technology
Personnel Department for scientific staff
Karlsplatz 13 /E0104
1040 Vienna

or per e-mail to barbara.triebl‐kraus at tuwien.ac.at

The applicants are not entitled to reimbursement of travel and 
accommodation costs that may be needed in the selection procedure.

The Vienna University of Technology strives to increase the proportion 
of women in particular in management and faculty positions and therefore 
encourages qualified women to apply. When equally qualified, female 
applicants will be given priority.

Research Unit "Operations Research and Control Systems"
Institute for Mathematical Methods in Economics
Vienna University of Technology
Argentinierstr. 8, E105-4
1040 Vienna, Austria
phone: +43 1 58801 10541

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