[Opt-Net] PhD thesis position at IFPEN, Near Paris, France

MUNOZ ZUNIGA Miguel miguel.munoz-zuniga at ifpen.fr
Fri Feb 20 16:29:17 CET 2015

Dear colleagues

Please find in attachment an announcement for a PhD thesis position at IFPEN in France (near Paris) about
« Optimization under probabilistic constraints of complex structures - Application to the anchoring of floating offshore wind turbines »

Thanks in advance for your help to distribute this announcement to your students and colleagues
Delphine Sinoquet

PhD position at IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN)

In applied mathematics

Optimization under probabilistic constraints of complex structures - Application to the anchoring of floating offshore wind turbines

Among the new marine sources of energy under development, the offshore floating wind turbine solution offers a panel of advantages : a stronger and sustained wind, less usage conflicts than its onshore or fixed offshore near the cost counterparts. Nonetheless its feasibility demonstration is complex and the reliability of the offshore floating wind turbine must be guaranteed with respect to the whole set of environmental stresses (wave, wind, current) likely to occur in a ten-year period. The reliability of the structure is in particular insured by the anchoring system of the floating support which restrict the wind turbine motion. The design of the anchoring must avoid the ruin caused by a failure of the anchoring lines under extreme stress, or as a consequence of accumulated damage during the lifespan of the structure. These constraints inherit the random characteristics of the marine environment, and the lack of consideration of this uncertain aspect can lead to unexpected ruin caused by a non-robust optimal design. The problem can be state as the search for an optimal design minimizing the manufacture, maintenance and installation costs while satisfying probabilistic constraints of threshold exceedance type. Solving this problem combining reliability (statistic/probability) and MINLP (mixed-integer non-linear programming) optimization is a scientific challenge, and is decisive for the economic feasibility of the floating offshore wind turbine technology.

Mots clefs: Optimization, Statistic, Reliability

Academic supervisor

Professor, GARNIER Josselin, Laboratoire de probabilités et modèles aléatoires

Doctoral School

ED 386 : science mathématiques de Paris Centre, www.ifd.upmc.fr/fr/organisation/ed/ed386.html<http://www.ifd.upmc.fr/fr/organisation/ed/ed386.html>

IFPEN supervisor (contact)

Doctor, MUNOZ ZUNIGA Miguel, Research engineer, Applied mathematics department, miguel.munoz-zuniga at ifpen.fr<mailto:miguel.munoz-zuniga at ifpen.fr>

PhD location

IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France
Laboratoire de probabilités et modèles aléatoires, Paris, France

Duration and start date

3 years, starting preferably on october 1, 2015


IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France

Academic requirements

University Master degree in statistic or/and optimization

Language requirements

Fluency in French or English, willingness to learn French

Other requirements

Notions in R/Matlab/Scilab/Python/C

For more information or to submit an application, see theses.ifpen.fr or contact the IFPEN supervisor.

About IFP Energies nouvelles
IFP Energies nouvelles is a French public-sector research, innovation and training center. Its mission is to develop efficient, economical, clean and sustainable technologies in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. For more information, see www.ifpen.fr<http://www.ifpen.fr>.
IFPEN offers a stimulating research environment, with access to first in class laboratory infrastructures and computing facilities. IFPEN offers competitive salary and benefits packages. All PhD students have access to dedicated seminars and training sessions.

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