[Opt-Net] [Mycolleagues] Stream "Dynamic Programming" --- EURO 2015

Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber gweber at metu.edu.tr
Tue Mar 3 16:43:36 CET 2015

Please send this invitation to interested colleagues and students

Call for Invited Abstracts
Stream "Dynamic Programming"

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

It is my pleasure to invite you to submit an invited contribution to  
the stream on "DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING" with sessions:

"Dynamic Programming 1" with session code 6237042f

"Dynamic Programming 2" with session code a1427ff2

"Dynamic Programming 3" with session code 7ad8ce0d

that is organized within the 27th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPERATION  
RESEARCH (EURO 2015), at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow,  
Scotland, 12-15 July 2015: http://www.euro2015.org/

Please submit your abstract of not more than 1500 characters (incl.  
blanks; please no mathematical symbols) through the "Abstract  
Submission" system at the conference homepage:  
http://www.euro-online.org/conf/euro27/. Please refer to the stream  
»Dynamic Programming«, the Session name (Invitation) and Code of the  
Session. Abstract submission closes on March 16, 2015.

EURO 2015 is the premier European conference for Operational Research  
and Management Science organized by the European Association of  
Operational Research Societies (EURO).

Main focus of the stream "Dynamic Programming" is to bring together  
all researchers, academicians, practitioners, as well as students  
interested in any branch of Operational Research, Mathematical  
modeling or Economic Analysis to participate at the stream "Dynamic  
Programming" and to present their achievements.

The participants will exchange experience about multi-stage decision  
making, share and systematize common approaches and methods of  
creation, adoption and development theoretical accomplishments and  
real-life applications revealed in stages.

Taking part in "Dynamic Programming" stream is great opportunity for  
you as you will be able to:
- share results and experience of multi-stage decision making
- invite people to join your projects
- get to know about latest dynamic programming initiatives and to take  
part in them

I am confident that the EURO 2015 Conference will be an extraordinary  
opportunity for you to get together again, to learn, enjoy, and be  
part of the great EURO community in a unique location; I am looking  
forward to meeting you in Glasgow in July 2015. I hope you can attend  
EURO 2015.

For any information about the stream please contact the stream organizer
Prof. Lidija Zadnik Stirn, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia;  
lidija.zadnik at bf.uni-lj.si

With best wishes
Yours sincerely
Lidija Zadnik

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