[Opt-Net] Stochastic Programming Student Paper Prize - Final Announcement

Nilay Noyan nnoyan at sabanciuniv.edu
Thu Feb 11 10:33:35 CET 2016



The Committee on Stochastic Programming is pleased to announce the 
triennial Stochastic Programming Student Paper Prize, which will be 
given in recognition of the most outstanding student-authored paper in 
stochastic programming. The prize will be awarded at the 14th 
International Conference on Stochastic Programming to be held in Buzios, 
Brazil, June 25-July 1, 2016.

The award committee consists of Nilay Noyan (Sabanci University, chair), 
Andy Philpott (University of Auckland), and Suvrajeet Sen (University of 
Southern California).

Each submission must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  * The paper must present original research results.
  * The entrant must have been a student on, or after, January 1, 2013.
  * The research must have been conducted while the entrant was a student.
  * The paper must have been published in, or submitted to, an English
    language journal.
  * The paper must be written by the entrant with only minor assistance.
    One or more advisors may appear as co-authors, but the student must
    be the 'first author.' If multiple students appear as co-authors of
    the winning paper, the prize will be shared among them.
  * The entrant can be a (co-)author on at most one paper submitted to
    the competition.

Entrants must submit the following material by _*March 1, 2016*_:

  * An electronic copy (PDF file) of the paper.
  * Publication information. If the paper is still under review, state
    the name of the journal and the point in the review process.
  * An email address and phone number where the entrant can be contacted.
  * A letter signed by both the faculty advisor and the entrant
    attesting that the eligibility conditions are met.
  * In case the paper is co-authored by the advisor, the latter should
    include a statement about the contribution of the entrant.

The submitted papers will be judged on the following criteria:

  * Magnitude of the contribution to the advancement of the field of
    stochastic programming.
  * Originality of ideas and methods.
  * Clarity and excellence of exposition.

Submissions must be sent to the committee via 
icsp2016.prize at iems.northwestern.edu by *March 1, 2016*.

For more information on the 14th International Conference on Stochastic 
Programming, please see: http://icsp2016.sciencesconf.org/

Nilay Noyan, Ph.D.
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences,
SABANCI University,
Orhanli, Tuzla, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +(90) 216 4839618
Fax: +(90) 216 4839550

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