[Opt-Net] NUMTA2016 - Second call for papers

Opt-Net optnet at uni-trier.de
Wed Feb 10 11:20:04 CET 2016

Dear Colleagues,

please  find below some important information about the second edition
of the NUMTA conference. We hope to see you this summer in Italy.

Best regards,
NUMTA2016 Organizing Committee


Call for papers “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”
The 2nd International Conference and Summer School NUMTA2016
in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

19 – 25 June 2016, Club Med Resort “Napitia”, Pizzo Calabro, Italy
OPENING  KEYNOTE  LECTURE  will  be  delivered  by Professor Robert J.
Aumann,  2005 Nobel Prize in Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

SUMMER  SCHOOL offering tutorials and discussion sections covering the
topics  of the Conference there will be organized. Participants at the
Summer  School  can submit either regular papers or participate at the
poster session. English is the working language both at the Conference
and the Summer School.

YOUNG  RESEARCHER  AWARD  (500 Euro and the Award certificate) for the
best presentation made by a young scientist will be awarded during the

PROCEEDINGS   will   be   published   as   a  special  volume  of  the
world-renowned  The  American  Institute  of  Physics (AIP) Conference
Proceedings  that  are  currently indexed in such leading databases as
Web of Science, Scopus, and Inspec.

SPECIAL  ISSUE  of  the international journal “Applied Mathematics and
Computation” (Impact Factor 2014 = 1.551) produced by Elsevier will be
dedicated to the Conference.

LOCATION  of  NUMTA2016  is  the Premium All Inclusive Club Med Resort
“Napitia”  (Pizzo  Calabro,  Tyrrhenian  coast,  Italy).  The  formula
“Premium All Inclusive” means free food and drinks during meals and in
bars,  entertainment,  sport activities, etc. The resort is very close
to the International Lamezia Terme Airport.

Submission of one page abstracts: February 22, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2016
Submission of papers for proceedings: May 10, 2016
Payment of the regular registration fee: March 10, 2016
Hotel reservation with special prices: March 10, 2016

Scientific Secretariat -numta2016 at dimes.unical.it
Organizing Secretariat -info at calabriatour.net

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