[Opt-Net] OPTIMIZATION 2017 (first announcement)

Miguel Fragoso Constantino mfconstantino at fc.ul.pt
Mon May 16 18:17:28 CEST 2016

                    Optimization 2017

                    Lisboa, Portugal
                    September 6-8, 2017
                    (first announcement)

University of Lisboa
Faculty of Sciences

Optimization 2017 is the ninth edition of a series of Optimization
international conferences held every three or four years, in Portugal.
This meeting aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
from different areas and with distinct backgrounds, but with common
interests in optimization. This conference series has international
recognition as an important forum of discussion and exchange of
ideas, being organized under the auspices of APDIO (the Portuguese
Operations Research Society).

In this edition, we feel honored to celebrate the 60th birthday
of our dear colleague Luís Gouveia (Univ. of Lisbon).

Confirmed plenary speakers:

Immanuel Bomze | Universität Wien
Marco Campi | Università degli Studi di Brescia
Donald Goldfarb | Columbia University
Jacek Gondzio | The University of Edinburgh
Martine Labbé | Université Libre de Bruxelles
Giovanni Rinaldi | IASI Roma, CNR

Invited and contributed presentations will be scheduled during
the three days.

Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission - May 15, 2017
Notification of acceptance - June 15, 2017
Early registration - before June 30, 2017

Additional information regarding registration,
contributed talks, deadlines, and accommodation will
be available from the conference web site:

For any questions regarding Optimization 2017, please contact:
           opt2017 at fc.ul.pt

We look forward to meeting you in Optimization 2017,

Miguel Constantino (Co-chair of the Organizing Committee)
Pedro Moura        (Co-chair of the Organizing Committee)


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