[Opt-Net] Workshop on (Bilevel) optimization, data analysis and forecasting

Zemkoho A.B. A.B.Zemkoho at soton.ac.uk
Wed May 10 20:46:53 CEST 2017

Workshop on

(Bilevel) optimization, data analysis and forecasting
     3 - 4 July 2017, University of Southampton

Optimization has proven to be a driving force behind the fast development of efficient tools for data analysis. Recently, bilevel optimization has also emerged as a useful tool to model a wide range of problems in this area. Also considering the strong links between forecasting and data science, the aim of the workshop on (Bilevel) Optimization, Data Analysis and Forecasting is to bring together a number of leading academic and industrial experts in these three areas, in order to discuss current advances, interfaces between the topics, and new modeling, theoretical and computational challenges.


Researchers interested in optimization, data analysis, forecasting and the interactions between these areas; PhD and MSc students in Econometrics, Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics with academic or professional interests in any of the aforementioned topics.

Participation to the workshop is free of charge, but the number of places is limited to 50 and will be filled on first come, first served basis. Registration is now open via the event’s website at ttp://www.southampton.ac.uk/~abz1e14/bodaf/<http://www.southampton.ac.uk/~abz1e14/bodaf/>

Confirmed speakers[1]<file:///C:/Users/abz1e14/Dropbox/SIRDF%20Forecasting/Workshop/Workshop-Advert.docx#_ftn1>

Sven Crone, Entrepreneur & Director of the Lancaster Centre for Forecasting

Zudi Lu, Professor & Chair in Statistics, University of Southampton

Marcos Michailidis, Manager of Data Science at dunnhumby

Mahesan Niranjan, Professor at ECS, University of Southampton

Samuel F Wamba, Entrepreneur & Professor in Data Science, Toulouse Business School


Alain Zemkoho, School of Mathematics, University of Southampton

Stefano Coniglio, School of Mathematics, University of Southampton

Christian Bravo, Business School, University of Southampton

Antonio Martinez-Sykora, Business School, University of Southampton


[1]<file:///C:/Users/abz1e14/Dropbox/SIRDF%20Forecasting/Workshop/Workshop-Advert.docx#_ftnref1> A few more academic and industrial speakers will be confirmed in the coming days

Dr Alain B Zemkoho
School of Mathematics | CORMSIS | University of Southampton
Room 54/10027 | Highfield Campus | Southampton | SO17 1BJ | UK
T: +44(0) 238059 3863 | E: a.b.zemkoho at soton.ac.uk
W: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/~abz1e14

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