[Opt-Net] Research position in adaptive decomposition methods for machine learning

Nowak, Ivo ivo.nowak at haw-hamburg.de
Tue Mar 3 11:47:58 CET 2020

Research position in adaptive decomposition methods for machine learning
In the project "DADLN - Dynamics and adaptive decomposition of machine learning networks" of HAW-Hamburg, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMWF), within the research program "Explainability and transparency of machine learning and artificial intelligence", a full-time research position is available for 3 years, starting, probably, on May 2020. The salary according to TV-LE 13 will be probably 3.500€-3.900€ depending on your qualifications. The candidate will develop decomposition-based optimization methods for machine learning based on the new optimization framework Decogo (in Python). We expect that you have a strong background in optimization methods, machine learning and software development. We offer a nice working atmosphere within a recently founded team of researchers of the HAW-Hamburg and University of Hamburg. Applications should be sent to ivo.nowak at haw-hamburg.de, including a full CV and a research statement why you are interested in optimization methods for machine learning. For further information see
https://www.haw-hamburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Personalservice/Ausschreibungen/022-20_DM_Typo.pdf (in german) and

Best wishes,  Ivo Nowak
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