[Scip] Error (-6)

Oscar Gustafsson oscarg at isy.liu.se
Wed Sep 26 10:57:21 MEST 2007

Dear all,

I have installed SCIP 1.00 with SOPLEX 1.3 and get the following error 
when running a test problem (I have others working fine though).

Any ideas?


Oscar Gustafsson


SCIP version 1.00 [precision: 8 byte] [memory: block] [mode: optimized] 
[LP solver: SOPLEX 1.3.0]
Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik 
Berlin (ZIB)

user parameter file <scip.set> not found - using default parameters

SCIP> read test1.lp
original problem has 513 variables (0 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 513 cont) and 
32768 constraints
SCIP> optimize

(round 1) 0 del vars, 15568 del conss, 0 chg bounds, 15568 chg sides, 0 
chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
presolving (2 rounds):
  0 deleted vars, 15568 deleted constraints, 0 tightened bounds, 0 added 
holes, 15568 changed sides, 0 changed coefficients
  0 implications, 0 cliques
presolved problem has 513 variables (0 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 513 cont) and 
17200 constraints
   17200 constraints of type <linear>
Presolving Time: 134.18

[src/scip/lpi_spx.cpp:2029] ERROR: SCIPlpiGetPrimalRay() not supported by 
[src/scip/lp.c:11096] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/lp.c:10086] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/solve.c:672] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/solve.c:1765] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/solve.c:2394] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/solve.c:2950] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/scip.c:4858] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/dialog_default.c:826] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/dialog.c:777] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/dialog.c:323] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/scip.c:2376] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/scipshell.c:347] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
[src/scip/scipshell.c:405] ERROR: Error <-6> in function call
SCIP Error (-6): error in LP solver

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