[Scip] How to run the program after successful compilation
Stefan Vigerske
stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Fri Dec 25 18:14:43 MET 2009
> Now the problem is how to run my own program since I have compiled it without errors. I coded my B&P using the framewokr of coloring example with a lot of changes. I have complied my code without erroes. So now I want to run it. But I do not know how to specify the following parameters
> -l <logfile> : copy output into log file
> -q : suppress screen messages
> -s <settings> : load parameter settings (.set) file
> -f <problem> : load and solve problem file
> -b <batchfile>: load and execute dialog command batch file (can be used multiple times)
> -c "command" : execute single line of dialog commands (can be used multiple times)
> The following input is corrcet?
> c:\mybp\bin\ndr.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx -l logfile -q -s scip.set -f NDR1.txt -b batchfile1 -c "command"
All parameters are optional.
At least if none of them are specified, then a SCIP shell should open.
-b batchfile1 makes only sense if you have a batchfile names batchfile1.
-c "command" makes no sense, since there is no command in SCIP which is
named "command".
> For example I want to use "ndr.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx" to solve instance NDR1.txt (whihc is put in the same directory), please tell me how to input the commands to run it.
As written in last mail:
ndr.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx -f NDR1.txt
If that does not work, then there is a bug in your program and you will
have to start debugging (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debugging).
> Thanks.
> Xiangyong Li
> ÔÚ2009-12-26£¬"Stefan Vigerske" <stefan at math.hu-berlin.de> дµÀ£º
>> Hi,
>>> I tried to develop my own branch and price code which is build based on the code of coloring example in the SCIP distribution. I have compiled the program and shows no debugging errors. But I do not know how to implement the program.
>>> When I run the coloring example ("coloring.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx"), then it switched to the SCIP window as follows:
>>> SCIP version 1.2.0 [precision: 8 byte] [memory: block] [mode: optimized] [LP solver: SoPlex 1.4.2]
>>> Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)
>>> user parameter file <scip.set> not found - using default parameters
>>> SCIP>
>>> In this window, I can use "read" command to read an instance and then solve it.
>>> But when I implemented my own B&P code, why it did not swithed to a SCIP windows like "SCIP>", instead it stills locate in the root directory of my program ("ndr.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx") as follows
>>> C:\mybp>c:\mybp\bin\ndr.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx
>>> SCIP version 1.2.0 [precision: 8 byte] [memory: block] [mode: optimized] [LP solver: SoPlex 1.4.2]
>>> Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)
>>> user parameter file <scip.set> not found - using default parameters
>>> C:\mybp>
>> Try if you get a SCIP shell if you do not include your own plugins.
>> If not, then something must have got lost when you modified the coloring
>> example.
>>> In "C:\mybp", I tried to implement my program. I should give the following parameters.
>>> syntax: c:\mybp\bin\ndr.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx [-l <logfile>] [-q] [-s <settings>] [-f <problem>] [-b <batchfile>] [-c "command"]
>>> -l <logfile> : copy output into log file
>>> -q : suppress screen messages
>>> -s <settings> : load parameter settings (.set) file
>>> -f <problem> : load and solve problem file
>>> -b <batchfile>: load and execute dialog command batch file (can be used multiple times)
>>> -c "command" : execute single line of dialog commands (can be used multiple times)
>>> Suppose I want to solve instance "NDR1.txt" in the bin directory, what I should enter in the command lines? Is the following is correct?
>>> c:\mybp\bin\coloring.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx -l logfile -q -s scip.set -f NDR1.txt -b batchfile1 -c "command"
>>> Should I put the instance and the file "coloring.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx" in the same directory?
>> c:\mybp\bin\coloring.mingw32_nt-6.0.x86.gnu.opt.spx -f NDR1.txt
>> where NDR1.txt need to be in the directory from which you execute this
>> command.
>>> Can you give some suggestions on the implementation?
>> Find out the differences between Coloring/main.c and your code, revert
>> them step by step, and see at which point things started to break.
>> Stefan
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