[Scip] about dual solution of the linear constraint?

Xiangyong Li lixiangyong at 163.com
Sun Dec 27 06:06:39 MET 2009

Dear all,

I used SCIPgetDualsolLinear to get the dual solution of the linear constraint in my B&P. In the dual model of my problem, the dual variable should be non-negative. But the dual solutions returned by SCIPgetDualsolLinear are non-positive. 

And I also saw that the dual solution is set to   " - SCIPgetDualsolLinear(scip, constraint[i])" in the coloring example. So should I use the negative value of the returned dual solution in my B&P? 

Would you kindly please tell me why the returned dual solution is non-positive?  Thanks.

Best regards.

Xiangyong Li

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