[Scip] A bug and a question

Matthias Peinhardt matthias.peinhardt at ovgu.de
Sat Apr 2 00:29:43 MEST 2011

Hello SCIP team,

I have two issues with SCIP 2.0.1, aminor and a big one.
The minor one is that SCIP leaks memory with the Xoplex and the Cplex backend. 
Try, e.g., in the Coloring example
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high --show-reachable=yes --quiet --log-file=valgrind.out.
%p ./bin/coloring -f data/myciel3.col

The second problem concerns the indicator constraint. I try to use those as 
model constraints. I set them up with SCIPcreateConsIndicator (), setting 
initial, separate, enforce, and check to TRUE. As expected,  linear 
constraints are generated for the indicator constraints, but those are all 
deleted again in presolve. In consInitsolIndicator() no constraints are found 
(nconss==0), and SCIP returns with an infeasible solution, without ever 
calling consCheckIndicator(). I don't see what is going on here, maybe you 
could point me to a simple example how to use those constraints.

Matthias Peinhardt

Matthias Peinhardt
Otto-von-Guericke University
Faculty of Mathematics
Institute for Mathematical Optimization (IMO)
Universitätsplatz 2
D-39106 Magdeburg
office: building 02 - room 208
mail: Matthias.Peinhardt at ovgu.de
fon: +49 391 67 11601
fax: +49 391 67 11171

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